No he de resignarme
a pensar
que este barro
no tiene alas
a que uno no sabe
los extremos a los que se llega
cuando la esperanza
se ha perdido
a que el alma
se quedó enganchada
quién sabe dónde y por eso
no podemos recuperarla
a que la mordaza
nos congele el coraje
y la costumbre
nos entibie la rabia
no he de resignarme
a que las alas
al barro.I cannot resign myself
to think
that this mud
has no wings
to think that one never knows
to the extremes you get to
when hope
has been lost
to think that the soul
was left hanging
somewhere and that is why
you cannot recover it
to think that the gag
has frozen our courage
and that the habit
has milden our rage
I cannot resign myself
the wings
cannot abandon
the mud Poem and translation by Guillermina
Poema y traducción de Guillermina
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