jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Lost "In the Dark Room"

James Knight, aka the @badbadpoet has a new book out. Wonderful and numbing, inspiring and frightening."In the Dark Room" is available here. And here is a little “review” originally posted as tweets with the hashtag #lostinthedarkroom:

It is intimate, like the ever present thoughts you never share, but are always there, haunting you. 

It is like madness, like the one you don’t realize you have, like the one you like to deny. 

It is the reflection of your lost twin, coming back as a mannequin.

It is like being in your house, with your mum and dad, as weird as always. 

It is like your dreams. No, not those ones, the other ones, the dreams you don’t confess. 

It is like a memoir. Like the one Punch and Judy implanted on your mind one sunny afternoon. 

jueves, 24 de julio de 2014


Ilustrado por Viviana Hinojosa para el proyecto "Ephemera"
Inspirados por un manual de origami, las hojas de los libros se doblaron varias veces. Se crearon y recrearon en mil formas. Magia pura.
A la mañana siguiente, cuando el bibliotecario abrió la puerta, un mar de animales, flores y figuras geométricas de papel huyó en estampida.

Inspired by an origami manual, the books´ pages folded themselves over and over. They created and recreated themselves a thousand times.

Next morning, when the librarian opened the door, an ocean of animals, flowers and modular geometric figures ran away in a stampede.