jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


right over
my chest

sea mist
the lining
of my heart

rising tides
the fragile shore
of my lungs

the whole sea
my whole body

the night
dark and heavy
all around

sea mist
rising tides
the whole sea
the night

all at once

pumping waves
rising tides
spraying sea mist
engulfing ocean
falling night

                                                fading                     away.
Art by Matt JimDog.
This poem was the result of a collaboration with artist Matt JimDog. We were both invited by Nicky Mortlock to collaborate in an Anxiety-Release collaboration in March - May 2014.

For this particular collaboration four artists and four poets were paired. The poets wrote about the theme of anxiety, and the artists, in response, engaged with the theme of release. In so doing we attempted to artistically and accessibly engage with the dynamics between the two emotions- the clashes and the spectrum between the two contrasting feelings. 
Nicky Mortlock enthusiastically runs the site ArtiPeeps where she invites emerging artist from a variety of disciplines. She is now planning a major exhibition on September 2014.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014


Del proyecto Ephemera con la Ilustradora Viviana Hinojosa

Una idea salió de su mente dando vueltas, formando un remolino de crecimiento armónico. Fuera, se convirtió en palabras que también giraban.
Rodeado de giros y vórtices, buscó el camino fuera del mundo de las ideas recorriendo un camino elíptico, en caracolas cada vez más amplias.
Al salir vio en el cielo nubes como nautilos y dando volteretas sobre sí mismas. La suma de los elementos anteriores, el infinito giratorio.

An idea came out of its mind turning into circles, growing into a harmonic whirlpool. Outside, it became whirling words.
Surrounded by turns and vortexes, it looked for the path outside the ideas´ world, following an elliptic trajectory, like wider sea shells.

Outside, clouds like nautiluses were rotating in spirals around themselves. Each part was the sum of the previous two, a spiraling infinite.