martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Verde animal / Animal green

Verde animal
Hace mucho tiempo, una abeja dorada quedó atrapada en una flor. La flor turgente y fecundada se transformó en un fruto con un fulgor animal.
La pulpa integró a la abeja y el fruto creció distinto a los demás: voluptuoso, con una lasciva solar y un zumbido recorriéndole la cáscara.
De doradas semillas nacieron plantas con flores voraces que, una a una, devoraron a incautas abejas. El verde se había vuelto animal.
Cuento originalmente publicado en 3 tuits en @minafiction.

Animal green
Long time ago, a golden bee was trapped inside a flower. The turgid and fertilized flower became a fruit with a beautiful animal glow.
The fruit and bee merged and the fruit grew different to the rest: more voluptuous, lasciviously solar & with a buzz running along its skin.
With golden seeds, new seedlings were born with voracious flowers that, one by one, ate unsuspecting bees. The green had become animal.
Short story originally published in 3 tweets @minafiction.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Description of an Avant-Pulp Machine

Last March 5th 2013 Jeff Noon tweeted a Manifesto. It will be included in his coming book “Pixel Dust”. In the meantime, here it is, exactly as Jeff tweeted it at @jeffnoon:

OK. So I'm going to bite the bullet and tweet a manifesto, of sorts.

Not sure what this is, to be honest. Just some thoughts on Science Fiction (SF), genre, mainstream culture, what it all means, how it interconnects....

Projections, dreams, ideas, results from the skull lab, and so forth. A fair few items in the flow, so stick around if you can. Or not. ;-)

I present: Description of an Avant-Pulp Machine...

1) The SF Genre Machine infects and transforms. It questions, supports and replicates and fires off clichés and wonders at equal rates.

2) SF Machine moves at the pace of life, accelerated or slow-motion. It walks the boundary lines of mainstream culture, enamoured of edges.

3) SF Machine is an emergent system. It exists both in the reality of the present day and the equally valid reality of tomorrow’s dreams.

4) SF conducts experiments upon Form and Content, always inventing new techniques, new processes, new kinds of narrative expression.

5) SF evolves through small variations and wild mutations. It is designed to examine, distrust, perfect and dismantle itself, periodically.

6) Genre SF Machine enflames, enrivers, begulfs, undertugs, sidetwists and interslips. It befogs, englows, transplodes and intraflows.

7) SF Machine is modified by its users over time. It spews parts and revels in having loose screws and wires. It can so easily catch fire.

8) SF Machine is unashamed to fly on wings of sentiment over lands populated by werebeasts, elves, vampires, androids, aliens and unicorns.

9) SF Machine is trying to understand itself. It never will. It’s not that kind of machine. It’s diseased. The disease is its power source.

10) SF is the undercurrent, a visceral urge towards life. It worships both strangeness and tradition, and will fuse the two to make anew.

11) SF is a blade of words that can puncture by accident or slice with precision. The blade is forged in a fantasy realm: the human mind.

12) SF machine creates character out of the signals that travel from person to person. Our signal to noise ratio betrays our true selves.

13) Well-mannered literature is scared of pulp, of popular art. And by this act it severs a deep vein of the life blood. SF Machine revels.

14) SF Machine revels in elements from both pulp and the avant-garde and frequently mixes the two to create avant-pulp dreams and realities.

15) Genre SF Machine is a four-dimensional object (at the very least); it has more edges and borderlines than all other genres put together.

16) How fruitful the world, when pulp fuses with the avant-garde. What strange, conjoined creatures are born. How the twin suns shine.

17) SF will create new ways of reaching the public. Words will flow from root to stem to flower to seed to air to ether to earth to root.

18) SF knows that taste is personal and of personal use in deciding which items to follow in the flow, nothing more; it is not universal.

19) SF is a journey of words through time. It says down with worthiness and perfection! Welcome to corrupted signals, glitches, fused wires.

20) To read, write or add new parts to the Genre SF Machine is to partake in a grand, bizarre, dangerous, clumsy, vital, unique experiment.

21) SF Genre embraces clichés. It can read through the clichés, explore the clichés, dismantle the cli chés. It knows that wonders lie ahead.

22) SF Machine moves along pathways well travelled and yet, at the dusty end of the road, it desires to go further, out into the wastelands.

23) SF seeks out realms where no signposts or maps point the way. It loves to cross borders illegally under cover of night, or in disguise.

24) SF wants to live among hybrid creatures: with monsters of the Id, engines of flesh, women who turn into fish, and floating men of fire.

25) At the liquid edge, Genre SF Machine leaves the normative, middlebrow culture far behind. It travels beyond, into fog, into darkness.

26) Let us go now. Open all channels, connect to everything. Here we are gathered, in the flow of words. There is a strange light ahead...

Thanks for reading these stray thoughts. I hope a few of them strike sparks. Message complete.

One more, that was fully formed in my head when I woke up this morning...

27) Genre SF Machine does not have an operator’s manual. The operators are the manual.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

What is a poem?

A poem is an enucleated body.
A poem is a retweeted rant.
A poem is an extinct species.
A poem is an abyssal creature.
A poem is a pain in the arse.
A poem is Justin Bieber's recurring nightmare.
A poem is a phantom limb.
A poem is a guttural scream.
A poem is an awakening nightmare.
A poem is a rancid burp.
A poem is an invisible hurricane.
A poem is a 3G device.
A poem is a cockroach.
A poem is a leak.
A poem is a forgotten future.
A poem is a beginning.
A poem is an unspoken word.
A poem is a visceral movement.
A poem is dried semen.
A poem is a crevice.
A poem is a tornado.
A poem is a crack.
 Series of tweets posted as a part of a twitter jam with @badbadpoet, @welloverthought @littledeaths68 and @gadgetgreen.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013


Una idea salió de su mente dando vueltas, formando un remolino de crecimiento armónico. Fuera, se convirtió en palabras que también giraban.
Rodeado de giros y vórtices, buscó el camino fuera del mundo de las ideas recorriendo un camino elíptico, en caracolas cada vez más amplias.
Al salir vio en el cielo nubes como nautilos y dando volteretas sobre sí mismas. La suma de los elementos anteriores, el infinito giratorio.
Cuento corto originalmente publicado en 3 tuits @minafiction.

An idea came out of its mind turning into circles, growing into a harmonic whirlpool. Outside, it became whirling words.
Surrounded by turns and vortexes, it looked for the path outside the ideas´ world, following an elliptic trajectory, like wider sea shells.
Outside, clouds like nautiluses were rotating in spirals around themselves. Each part was the sum of the previous two, a spiraling infinite.
Short story originally posted in 3 tweets @minafiction.